Tuesday, January 5, 2010

2009 Thanksgiving!

2009 Thanksgiving was special! It was because my parents-in-law flew in town to spend it with us. Audrey met Grandma and Grandpa once before when she was only 6 months old, but she was bonded with them almost the moment they got in our house.

On the big day, everybody was busy!

Audrey was busy being cute!

Yes, she had two outfits for the day!

Mother-in-Law was busy scrubbing our baby-crusty breakfast table! Thanks a lot.

Father and Son were busy in the kitchen:

The Bird was ready for the oven incubation:

The Bird was ready for our watery mouths and hungry stomachs:

not really. :-)))

Audrey and Grandpa were busy kissing:

All carved:

The feast:

My plate:

It was a big dinner, I did eat all of these AND took more later. I was very much into the Thanksgiving culture here.

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